
Hi there, I’m Lill, the creator of Modern Small Talk!

I’m a writer, creative entrepreneur and podcaster from Oslo, Norway.

A few years ago, life shook me to my core; physically and emotionally. In the midst of it, I found the only way out, was to go all-in, by becoming more me. Unapologetically.

Little did I know, –this was the birth of the book Modern Small Talk.

I’ve worked in sales, education and as a photographer. Due to my discoveries I’ve focused all my energy on sharing this knowledge.

This tickled my curiosity too much to let it be. I had to do the research! So, whenever I met a new person, I would ask if I could ask them a couple of questions about small talk, being that I’m writing a book about the topic.

  1. What is your relationship with small talk? Do you hate it or do you enjoy it?
  2. Do you know if you’re an introvert or an extrovert?

The untapped possibilities of great conversations were bigger than I’d ever imagined. So, on this site, I’ll nerd out on all things small talk, social skills and great communication.


For any queries, contact me at: lill@lillnermoenhanssen.com